| 1. | A line - item veto would give the president a way to insist on greater discipline in the budget 部分否决权将为总统维护设定预算的规范性提供了一种新的手段。 |
| 2. | Most importantly , a line - item veto would benefit american taxpayers by ensuring greater respect for their hard - earned dollars 最重要的是,部分否决权保证了纳税人辛苦挣得的钱将得到更合理的使用,使他们受益。 |
| 3. | There ' s a smarter way to handle taxpayer dollars , and it begins with granting the president a tool called the line - item veto 现在有一个更明智的方法来使用纳税人的钱,而它需要法律赋予总统一个被称为部分否决的工具。 |
| 4. | Budget reforms , including comprehensive earmark reform and a legislative line - item veto , will help eliminate wasteful and unnecessary spending 预算改革,包括综合专项拨款改革和国会单项否决权等,将有助于减少浪费性开支和盲目开支。 |
| 5. | However , the supreme court ruled that version of the line - item veto unconstitutional because it took too much spending authority away from the congress 但是,最高法院认为那样的部分否决是违宪的,因为那会分散许多属于国会的支出管理权。 |
| 6. | I call on the senate to show a bipartisan commitment to fiscal discipline by passing the line - item veto so we can work together to cut wasteful spending , reduce the deficit , and save money for american taxpayers 我呼吁参议院也能出现这种两党联合的情况,来保证国库支出的正规,并让我们一起精简那些无意义的支出,降低赤字,节省美国纳税人的钱。 |
| 7. | A line - item veto would reduce the incentive for congress to spend wastefully because when lawmakers know their pet projects will be held up to public scrutiny , they will be less likely to suggest them in the first place 总统每一次使用这项权力都将会遏制国会中这种暗箱操作的现象,因为他们的这些行为会受到公众的监督,而他们一定会知道孰重孰轻的。 |